Maya Other stuff

3D World

Since a few month I’m searching for 3D Magazines. They should especially include Tutorials or other stuff with the programm Maya.

The last week I finally bougth the magazine “3D World” (Issue 138). With 13.50€ ($18,00) it’s anything but cheap.

Picture of "3D World" Magazine ssue 138

At a first glance I liked the getup and with 121 sites there is much to read.

Til now I have read half of the paper. As 3D newcomer it isn’t always easy to unterstand all articles (particular with english as foreign language). At the beginning of the magazine there’s a art gallery where artists describe how long it takes to build this scene and why they’ve chosen their motive. They also said which software they’ve used. I think perhaps it makes now easier for me to estimate the time exposure for my future projects with maya.

The magazine includes a DVD too.  For example you can find a 4 hour tutorial “Create the ultimate Tron scene”. To my great joy with maya 2011.

So far I like the magazine, but I will write a complete criticism if I’m done with reading.

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